97% of People Achieve at Least One Major Life Change within 1 Month of Life Coaching
What is Life Coaching – A lot of people exist day to day without the skills, insight or a compass to help them move forward towards an everyday feeling of happiness and accomplishment. A life coach will see the gems that lie within you and allow you to see them inside of you too. Coaching helps you gain clarity, sets up structures, drives you to ACTION and gives you direction and accountability.
Life Coaching helps you….
- To become unstuck
- Looks at blind spots, behavior and habits that aren’t working for you
- Gives you skills / life tools to use that drive everyday success
- A clear path to get to where you want to go
- Structure to get
- Actions and tactics
- Accountability
5 Steps from Desire to Happiness (D2H)
1. Desire
Your desire to succeed is so strong that you can taste and feel the end result. Want to set up your own business? If you have a deep burning desire to succeed then you will sit up past midnight after everyone else has gone to bed to develop that business plan, do some research, write an article.
2. Determination
Push past any bumps and pitfalls along the way including failed attempts! It is well know that most millionaires have lost their money several times over and yet they don’t let failure stop them from dusting down and starting again.
3. Discipline
D2H will make you follows through to the end. You will perfect your art or way of doing something and act from that all the time. You also learn constantly and adjust behaviours according to any knowledge gained
4. Action
If the desire is deep, you will take action each and every day to attain your goal.
You will get up before dawn to educate, read, call the other side of the world, visual or meditation on your success. You know what you need to do. You are crystal clear on the outcomes and you construct your day to include tasks that will get you there.
5. Happiness / Results:
Transformation achieved in life and business. You wake up feeling good, confident, alive, energetic and happy – Success and Satisfaction.
Life Playground Coaching Formula for Success – Work, Life and Play

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” ― Joseph Campbell
Where are you in Work, Life and Play? Where you do you desire to be? If you are looking for a trusted advisor who is 100% committed to you and your success then seek out a Life Coach. Find a qualified and certified coach. Not one who went into a coaching training course on a Monday and left Friday. I personally took a 2 year course that included 1 year of counselling training.
Be ready to be challenged and have your butt kicked! If are are not ready for that, then maybe counselling is more appropriate for you. A great coach push pushes passed your doubts, challenges your thought patterns that drive your actions or lack of actions.
Be ready to be challenged and have your butt kicked! If are are not ready for that, then maybe counselling is more appropriate for you. A great coach push pushes passed your doubts, challenges your thought patterns that drive your actions or lack of actions.
Janet McNally – Your Kick Butt Life Coach
What is Life Coaching
“Working with Janet has been one of the best decisions of my life. She was able to steer me in the right direction and truly hold me accountable to deliverables we created together.
That accountability and direction helped me discover and develop confidence that has allowed me to achieve success and happiness at a pace that was unfathomable to me 6 months ago. Thanks Janet!”
Emily McInerney, Communications Manager, San Francisco
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